
Active Shops

More and more shops are now subscribing to our new and improved centralized application, including a mobile app, windows POS and a web Admin Console


Total Customers

Due to easy registration settings and user friendly mobile application our active shops have seen a significant number of customer registrations

Data Migration

Easy data migration from the old system, which includes: customers, loyalty points, minutes, lotions, tanning courses and unlimited plans


Store Front

We provide you a POS for the store front , in order to operate your store in a more automated way.

Stock Reconciliation

This feature allows you to compare and evaluate your actual physical stocks and stocks recorded in your system.

Bed Reconciliation

With this feature you can track and compare your actual tanning bed usage minutes and those recorded in your system.

Cash Drawer Management

This feature allows you to track employee activities and the track the cash flow of cash counter.

Daily Reports

Track your sales by recieving a daily report with detailed overview of your day

Queue Management

Manage queue of your in-store customers for a more managed store.